The best practices for hashtags on a church’s social media page are using relative and popular hashtags, as well as the time of usage.

Hashtags can play such a vital part in a Church’s social media pages.

If you, or your church, is making the effort to actively post on socials to increase engagement and attention, then we want to make sure you have all the tools and practices you need to be successful.

When to Use Hashtags

The best time to use the hashtags with your social media posts is at the time your content is posted. The ability to add hashtags to a post after it goes live, but it will not carry the same benefits as posting them right away. Hashtags are typically included below the caption, so it does not take away from the voice of your message.

What Are Hashtags

Hashtags are used to connect all types of content. From specific topics, events, themes, and conversations can all be tied within a specific hashtag. They can classify media in specific categories-which is great for viewing specific niches. Individuals can find your content quick and easy, whether or not they are following you!

Pro tip: Make sure you are not a private account so they are able to see your media!

How to Use Hashtags

If you are looking for a very literal way for to make a hashtag, types the “pound” key (no space), followed by the word or phrase you want. Instagram currently allows you to have up to 30 different hashtags, while Facebook recommend 3-5.

Adding Hashtags to Instagram

1. Open Instagram App:
– Unlock your smartphone and locate the Instagram app. The icon is a colorful camera. Tap on it to open the app.

2. og In:
– If you’re not already logged in, enter your username and password to access your Instagram account.

3. Create a New Post:
– Look for the ‘+’ sign or the camera icon at the bottom center of the screen. Tap on it to create a new post.

4. Select a Photo or Video:
– Choose the photo or video you want to share by tapping on it. You can also take a new photo or record a video using the camera icon.

5. Add Filters and Edit (Optional):
– If you want, you can apply filters or edit your photo/video using the available tools. Once satisfied, proceed to the next step.

6. Write a Caption:
– Below the photo or video, you’ll see a caption box. Write a description for your post here. This is where you’ll also add your hashtags.

7. Add Hashtags:
– To include a hashtag, type the ‘#’ symbol followed by a word or phrase without spaces. For example, #Church, #Service, #Faith. Instagram will suggest popular hashtags as you type. You can include multiple hashtags relevant to your post.

8. Format and Placement:
– Make sure to place your hashtags within your caption or at the end. You can also add them in a separate comment after posting.

9. Tag People (Optional):
– If your post includes other Instagram users, you can tag them by using the ‘@’ symbol followed by their username. This is optional and depends on the content of your post.

10. Choose Location (Optional):
– You can also add a location to your post by tapping the “Add Location” option. This is optional, and you can skip it if you prefer not to include a location.

11. Share Your Post:
– Once you’re satisfied with your caption, hashtags, and other details, tap the ‘Share’ button. This is usually a right-facing arrow.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully added hashtags to your Instagram post. Your post will now be visible to others who search or follow the hashtags you’ve included.

Adding Hashtags to Facebook

1. Open Facebook App:
– Unlock your smartphone and find the Facebook app. It’s typically a blue icon with an “f” on it. Tap on the icon to open the app.

2. Log In:
– If you’re not already logged in, enter your email or phone number and password to access your Facebook account.

3. Create a New Post:
– Locate the status update box at the top of your News Feed or on your profile page. It usually says, “What’s on your mind?” or something similar.

4. Write Your Post:
– Click inside the status update box and type the text of your post. Share your thoughts, an update, or anything you’d like to post.

5. Add Hashtags:
– To include a hashtag, type the ‘#’ symbol followed by a word or phrase without spaces. For example, #Church, #Service, #Faith. Facebook will suggest popular hashtags as you type.

6. Check Suggestions:
– As you type a hashtag, Facebook will offer suggestions based on popular and trending hashtags. You can select one of these suggestions or create your own.

7. Continue Writing:
– After adding a hashtag, you can continue writing your post. Include any additional text, links, or mentions as needed.

8. Tag Friends (Optional):
– If your post mentions or involves “friends”, you can tag them by typing ‘@’ followed by their name. Facebook will suggest friends as you type.

9. Add Location (Optional):
– If your post is related to a specific location, you can add it by clicking on the location icon and selecting the appropriate place.

10. Adjust Privacy Settings:
– Before posting, review your privacy settings. Choose who can see your post by clicking on the audience selector (usually located next to your name) and selecting the desired audience.

11. Post Your Update:
– Once you’re satisfied with your post, hashtags, and other details, click the “Post” button. This is usually located at the bottom right of the status update box.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully added hashtags to your Facebook post. Your post will now be discoverable by people interested in or searching for the hashtags you’ve included.

General Information

The first time that a hashtag was mentioned for more than just a symbol on a phone was in a blog article published on August 6, 2007. Twitter was the first site to use hashtags, and eventually the trend and use made its way over to Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram. The hyperlink used from cross-referencing was created by Twitter in 2009, where they generated the “Trending Topics”.

Examples of Hashtags to Use:

Church Events

  • #ChurchEvent
  • #CommunityEvent
  • #ChurchConnection
  • #ChurchCommunityEvent
  • #ChurchCommunity
  • #FamilyEvents

Announcing a Sermon

  • #SharingTheGoodNews
  • #SpreadingTheGospel
  • #SpreadingTheGoodNews
  • #SharingTheWord
  • #NewSermon
  • #FamilyService

Highlighting Community Groups

  • #ChurchCommunityGroups
  • #LifeGroup
  • #LifeGroupConnection
  • #SmallGroup
  • #GroupConnecition
  • #JoinALifeGroupToday