7 Strategies to Increase Church Attendance

In today’s culture of high productivity, and long “to-do” lists, churches are facing the challenge of maintaining and increasing attendance. There are several ways in which the church can use well-known resources to its advantage. Follow along as we discuss how to boost church attendance as well as create a welcoming and educational faith-based community.

1. Utilize Digital Outreach

With the increase of technology, the room for audience growth is huge! Create and use media that can be used across platforms, and social media allows churches to reach potential new attendees, as well as communicate with current members. Digital media is a fascinating tool that allows the word of God to be shared on a whole new level. Not only does it serve as a way to highlight God’s word, it can be a main source of knowledge. With live-streaming or podcasts, churches can reach their current congregation, along with those who may not be able to attend in person. Social Media can reach widespread audiences, and be utilized as a free outreach tool to connect with younger generations. Churches can use these platforms to highlight why people enjoy attending!

Examples of social posts:

  • Summary of the sermon – perfect for lesson retention
  • Schedule of service times and locations
  • Events happening each season or month
  • Special announcements (birthdays, weddings, celebrations of life, etc.)
  • Class or small groups offered

2. Enhance Your Worship Experience

It’s no secret that a Church’s worship experience can be very influential for attendance and the level of engagement for the sermon. The worship experience remains a large reason as to why members return, and why new guests want to stay. By investing in this portion of the service, churches can see an increase in congregation attendance. What would this entail exactly? The first would be to provide music that the congregation as a whole can relate to. From there, churches can make sure they have amazing volunteer or staff members to lead the congregation during this time, and to ensure that the music ties into the sermon to come. Another factor for enhancing the experience is the level of technology used. If sound systems are used, then it is crucial to make sure these are up to date-and working as correctly as possible. Lastly, any screens or lyrics should be displayed in the best possible format. Any lyrics that are displayed should be readable on screens with interesting and unique media backgrounds.

3. Reach Out to the Community

Meet people halfway by exploring your community for guests! Whether it be through goof drives, clothing giveaways, or community service projects-there are tons of events that the church can host to highlight the acts of God, while keeping a causal environment.

4. Focus on Youth and Family Ministries

Youth and families are a huge part of the church! Families usually attend church together, and can have unique needs that the church should be prepared to meet. Childcare, accessible parking, and youth groups are some fantastic way to make attending church easy and fun for everyone in the family.

5. Curate a Visitor Friendly Culture

First impressions are crucial for churches looking to grow their congregation. It is very important for first-time guests to feel welcome, and picture themselves as part of the church. Create a warm welcome with this awesome strategies:

  • Have a Welcome Team established to great and guide first-time guests.
  • Set up a refreshment station for people to mingle over.
  • Create a center point to welcome guests and provide more information about the church (ex: a Welcome Table)
  • Gather guest information to follow up with them after the service.

6. Small Group Connections

Having multiple small groups, each with different focuses can an unique tool to retain first-time guests, along with current members. Small groups are a great place to create connections, expand on sermons, foster community and provide supports. For individuals that may not feel comfortable in large congregations, small groups provide a gateway into their involvement in the church.

Small Groups can exist of:

  • Marriage Counseling & Connection
  • Young Adults
  • College Students
  • Grief & Loss Sharing
  • Financial Advising

7. Optimize Your Church Building

Church is more than just a place to hear a sermon. It can be a place of community, fun, connection, and education. Churches can create these feelings by using what they have! Depending on the layout of your building, you can have special events, booths, meeting places, ect.

What else can you do?

  • Utilize lawn space with yard games the the whole family can play 
  • Have youth ministries draw Biblical images on sidewalks/pathways
  • Spruce up windows by with special paint to decorate or share announcements
  • Pull out tables and chairs into a courtyard to encourage